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Welcome to Saint Francis Xavier’s Church

Affectionately known as SFX, our church sits at the heart of a community where there are thousands of untold stories and acts of kindness every day. From birth to death, in good times or in challenging times, in times of laughter, tears or joy, we are a parish community who believe in the dignity and value of every human person. We strive to follow the teachings of Jesus as revealed in the scriptures and the teachings of the Catholic church. We are not perfect but we walk together in faith believing that the risen Jesus leads us on. Come and join us on the journey!

If you are in the area, our church is open every morning (except Wednesday). Please feel free to pop in. Apart from our regular church services, there are lots of things going on. Please check the latest newsletter or contact the office for the latest information.

Weekly Services





Our church is available to book for baptisms, communions, weddings and funerals.